Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee

Request to Address the Committee

  1. Complete the online form (see below). It will be presented to the Committee prior to the beginning of the meeting at which you wish to address the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee.

  2. At the time of the particular agenda item to which you wish to speak, your name will be called to speak to the item. The time limit is three (3) minutes unless further time is granted by the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee. Comments on agenda items will be limited to a total of twenty (20) minutes per item.

  3. You will be asked to state your name and appropriate affiliation for the record before your statements to the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee.

  4. With respect to non-agenda items, you will be called to speak at the section set aside for Comments from the Public. These comments will also be limited to three (3) minutes per speaker.

  5. Preference to address the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee will be given to persons who have notified the Secretary in advance of their desire to address the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee.

Request to Address the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee

Affiliation: (Required)
Do you wish to speak during the Comments from the Public section of the Agenda? (Required)
If yes, please indicate which agenda item: