College of the Desert Awarded M-STAR Grant Funding by NASA

NASA Stem Program

Only nine colleges/universities were chosen for this honor, and COD is the only California community college that was selected.  Ahmed Elshafie, Michael Gariety, Amira Elsenousy and David Jackson all collaborated on the project entitled: A Penetrolyzer for Extracting Oxygen and Hydrogen from Mars Regolith.

NASA is investing more than $14 million in 19 U.S. colleges and universities to grow their STEM capacity to participate in critical spaceflight research and prepare a new generation of diverse students for careers in the nation's science, technology, engineering, and math workforce.

The MUREP Space Technology Artemis Research opportunity supports NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD) by fostering and increasing MSI participation in research and technology development concepts that algin with the agency’s needs for upcoming Artemis missions to the Moon. The agency chose nine institutions, awarding a total of more than $8 million to carry out their projects.

"When we return humans to the Moon, it will be thanks to the creativity and dedication of researchers across the nation," said Walt Engelund, deputy associate administrator for programs in STMD. "We're proud to partner with OSTEM to foster the future of technology development and create opportunities for these institutions to contribute to NASA's Artemis missions."