Student Grievances

COD students are provided with a prompt and equitable means of resolving student grievances, through (AP5530). These procedures shall be available to any student who reasonably believes a college decision or action has adversely affected their status, rights, or privileges as a student as outlined in the college catalog.

The procedures shall include, but not be limited to, grievances regarding:

  • Sex discrimination in education programs and activities as prohibited by Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972 (see Administrative Procedure 3435 Complaint: Discrimination and Harassment Investigation for sexual misconduct complaints under Title IX)

  • Sexual harassment (see Board Policy 3430 Prohibition of Harassment)

  • Financial aid (see Board Policy 5130 Financial Aid)

  • Illegal discrimination (see Board Policy 3410 Non Discrimination)

  • Course grades, to the extent permitted by Education Code Section 76224(a), which provides: “When grades are given for any course of instruction taught in a community college District, the grade given to each student shall be the grade determined by the instructor of the course and the determination of the student’s grade by the instructor, in the absence of mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetency, shall be final.” “Mistake” may include, but is not limited to errors made by an instructor in calculating a student’s grade and clerical errors

  • The exercise of rights of free expression protected by state and federal constitutions and Education Code 76120

The procedure does not apply to:

  • Student disciplinary actions, which are covered under separate Board Policies and Administrative Procedures.

  • Parking citations (i.e. “tickets”); complaints about citations must be directed to the Office of Security.

Types of student grievances

General Complaint

General complaint regarding staff, student, instructor, college procedure/policy/ practice

Grade Grievance

A grade dispute after attempting to resolve the matter directly with an instructor and finding no resolution