Objective 4.3 Reporting Accessibility Barriers

College of the Desert (COD) develops a documented process for faculty, staff, students, and community members to report accessibility barriers

Objective 4.3 Current Maturity Status: Learning to Responding

Level 1: Not Started to Learning

COD Executive Cabinet is being made aware of their responsibility to address and mediate accessibility barriers at the institution. Administrators are being offered training and education about best practices.

  • Executive Cabinet members are made aware of Section 508 guidelines around accessibility as related to cabinet duties

  • Information about Executive Cabinet members’ responsibility to address and mediate accessibility barriers at the institution is inserted into onboarding documents for new members

  • College offers to pay for Executive Cabinet members to attend accessibility workshops

COD is developing a documented process for faculty, staff, students, and community members to report accessibility barriers.

Immediate Next Steps

  • IT will work with Disabled Students Program and Services (DSPS) and Human Resources (HR) to document procedures for reporting accessibility barriers

  • IT will email Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Administrators (opens Word in Google Drive)

  • Faculty Development will provide Faculty FAQ (opens Word in Google Drive) for faculty orientation

  • The Educational Technologies and Distance Education Committee (ETDE) and the Educational Policies and Practices (EPP) will create Digital Instructional Materials and LTI (Learning Tool) Accessibility Compliance Review Process

  • College will document procedures for reporting accessibility issues to relevant parties (e.g., faculty should reach out to department heads, students reach out to faculty), responses are given within two (2) business days

  • Section 508, Section 504, and ADA Coordinators will meet monthly to review accessibility complaints and concerns, share updates, and ensure College is making progress towards meeting institutional accessibility obligations

Level 3: Responding to Establishing

COD is documenting the grievance process. COD is effectively addressing and mediating those barriers identified through the grievance process. COD is effectively communicating its response to campus.

Next Steps

  • College is ensuring forms used to file a grievance are accessible and that the forms include contact information for requesting assistance with the forms

  • College is documenting and distributing the grievance process in multiple locations (e.g., website, MyCOD, syllabus templates)

  • The EPP is considering adding the grievance process to the Syllabus templates​ (Downloads Word file)

  • College is sending out appropriate campus representatives within two (2) business days when addressing grievances

  • When changes are made to address or mediate reported accessibility barriers, communications are identifying a point of contact to reach out to for questions

  • College is including an annual report about accessibility related grievances to Executive Cabinet and College Planning Council

Level 4: Establishing to Optimizing

COD is proactively assessing and eliminating ICT and instructional material accessibility barriers before they are reported.

  • Faculty and staff are routinely assessing their own ICT and instructional materials for accessibility concerns, reviewing those concerns with individuals designated to provide accessibility support, and addressing issues before barriers arise

Potential Blocking Issues​

  • Recruiting Faculty Accessibility Coaches

  • Funding for Faculty Accessibility Coaches

​Previous: Objective 4.2 Accessibility Voices on Standing Committees​